Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Salam :|

Guess what, I already knew whats wrong with the camera. Bukan susah sangat pun nak detect. Its a VIRUS! A fucking virus-that-likes-to hid-files-god-knows-where. So the DCIM folder of my camera is actually hidden, its there, but I cant fucking see it sbb its fucking hidden. And who knows what else is hidden inside my laptop right now. *sigh* Means have to spend some money to format the laptop. And I'm pretty broke, will have to wait until the Parents put some money into that lightweight account of mine. *double sigh*

So one thing's settled which is my camera, another issue come out means my laptop. So apa lagi masalah nak keluar? Dah la my studies pun dah all over the place, have to study banyak banyak banyak. No hints what so ever, I mean kenapa tak keluarkan je soalan mid terms and suchs, saves u time to make questions kan. Ish lecturers, lecturers.

Whatever lah. Study sampai lebam jom. Bf sila give me your full support. I freaking need it, so very much.

Regards, Qila

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