Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Salam :)

Gaji dah masuk! Yeayy. 25% masuk tabung hee.
Tapi still dalam dilemma nak beli tak telepon baru.

Aiyoo ammaaaa!

Monday, September 26, 2011


Salam :)

I have a lot of friends from high school in FB. Well 70% of my FB friends comes from my college days, tapi ada lah that 20% comes from my high school.. And yang I can see is ramai antara mereka berpasangan dengan kawan2 semasa sekolah juga. The one that I never thought they could end up with. Hehe. It seems that no matter how far you search for that special someone, you had already meet them. They were in front of you all along. Maybe mereka dah ketemu jodoh, mungkin semasa belajar, tapi kemudian jodoh tu tak kekal lama, jumpa kawan2 sekolah and then poof! Chemistry all over again. Hahah. Tapi I kenot tahan if that happen to me. I mean I have some history at school, and I prefer to leave them in the past. Lagipun all of my schoolmates treat me like Im some kind of adik although at that moment, I was bigger than some of em. I was hugeeee although not as hugeeee as now hahaa. Lets just say if I could tun back time I will want to change just 1 thing, of not falling too hard, and was broken by the falling. I wish no one would ever felt the feeling I was feeling at that time, it was cruel yaww. I was 16, hurting, but yet I survived my first heartbreak, and I was stronger than ever :) #SayaGenerasi nyanyi lagu Stronger bila putus cinta :)

Well for me, my jodoh right now is Gee, whom I met when I was 19, someone who I was curious of, but never get the chance to know (you got some history,too mister!). Tapi namanya jodoh, the chemistry datang 2 years later, I was 21, I fell in love, and still is falling every day. :) Look at where we are right now, close to 2 years old hunnybee :) Lets both be two mature beings and not play with each others heart, bcos my family loves you like i love you, much. And they will kill anybody who hurt me, I can promise that :)

So konklusinya, jodoh kita maybe classmate darjah 1 dulu. Maybe yang slalu tarik kerusi kita time kita nak duduk. Maybe yang selalu buat kita nangis. Atau maybe nerd pakai spek tebal, tapi sekarang muka dah macam Aaron Aziz. Jodoh kita maybe tengah tunggu je nak jumpa kita, atau maybe abang diploma yang baru masuk kelas masa second year :) Mana nak tahu mana jodoh kita, sampai lah tiba masa ayah kita salam tangan dia, and serah tanggungjawab untuk jaga kita, tanggung dosa kita and guide kita. Masa tu lah kita boleh tengok dia dalam-dalam and bagi hidup kita untuk dia lead sbb masa tu, kita dah jdi hak dia.

Hehe. I am feeling mellow. I will finish my glass of milk, and go to sleep. Nite :)

Regards, Qila

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life has been good..

Salam.. :)

Huyoo lama tak update woo.. Ihik. Ntah le, mood dari Ramadhan sampai nak abes Syawal dah ni. Mcm tuuu je hahah. Hows life has been for the past few months for me? Same ol' Same ol'.. Family Alhamdulillah, Kerja Alhamdulillah, Kwn2 Alhamdulillah.. Okay lets go phase by phase shall we..

Family :

Alhamdulillah semua okay, sehat walafiat.. Tu yang paling penting untuk saya. Mereka happy, saya lagi2 happy.. Ramadhan dapat spend few days with them and Syawal pun dapat disambut dgn diorang, alto it was a short Raya, tapi cukup semuanya Alhamdulillah. Syawal pertama kena bagi duit Raya. It feels nice, altho my account feels very light afterwards teehee. Syawal 2011 jugak sgt2 bermakna sebab family Gee sempat meluangkan masa dtg untuk beraya. Alhamdulillah walaupun sesat2, its the thoughts and efforts that count! Hehe. Thanks Gee and family, sgt2 appreciate the time you guys spent altho korang pun memang rushing.. Happyyyy :)

Kerja :

So nak dekat setahun dah kerja kat sini, both of my supervisors pun dah move on, mereka dapat rezeki kat tenpat len pulak. I miss them sometimes tapi thats life hard cold fact in the private world, people jump here and there almost everyday, and I am sure when I am able to do that, I will too. I mean gaji dan benefit yang lebih tinggi dapat dioffer oleh orang len, sure akan amik kan? And I want to secure a very healthy financial background bila dah settle down nanti. Dengan family lagi, dengan babies lagi.. I am not good in investing, but I am quite good in saving money. Sbb harap sangat hidup takde debt except my PTPTN yang masih berbaki RM8.4k, my car loan and in future, a house loan. Semua ni tak mampu kot nak bayar pakai cash..nama pun keje makan gaji.. HMM. Gee, hantaran awak bayar hutang PTPTN saya je boleh tak? Ihik!

Relationship :

Tipu la tak ada ups and downs. Beberapa bulan ni saya and Gee dah rasa our lowest low, and our highest high. Bersyukur dengan nikmat yang Tuhan beri ni, cuma saya sangat berharap rancangan kami dipermudahkan. Segala yang dilakukan sekarang pun memang mengarah ke rancngan yang sedang dibuat. Dan Alhamdulilah juga Gee and I are on the same page. Umur kami yang nak menginjak 2 tahun ni banyak mematangkan kami, lagipun umur masing2 dah tua, priority pun dah berbeza. Priority sekarang banyak ke arah meneguhkan ekonomi masing2. Risau saya kat Gee kurang sket sbb dia duk dgn family, tapi risau mereka2 kat saya adalah berkali2 ganda. Ye lah perempuan, duk kat tempat orang pulak tu.. Tapi dah sedaya upaya menjaga diri sendiri.. :) Btw tak tahu lah jodoh atau apa, boifren adik and ufah jugak nama bermula dgn huruf AZ.. it might be a coincidence.. A beautiful one.. With dear daddy pun nama start with AZ.. :)

Life has been good to me, it taught me a lot.. IAllah dengan kesempatan yang ada, akan lebih belajar lagi kerana ilmu yang ada ni ceteknya tak dapat di ukur..

Regards, Qila