Saturday, October 16, 2010

Talking is therapy :)

Salam :)

Just got back from a date with the bff at Batu Burok which I have not visited from bila entah. I mean Iv been to the a&w and around the jogging course, tapi to actually jalan on the beach, its been a while laa. So parked at the cafe/bistro whatever kat plaza tuh sebab we plan nak minum kat situ je. Tapi yang ada hanyalah air tin.. So kalau nak minum air tin, saya pegi vending machine pon bleh. So pegi la check out kemeriahan kat pantai tu. Ada ape ntah polis2 segala with konsert. Tak menarik.. Walk summo, pegi la Awe @ A&W. Makan fruitty waffle. Nice, tapi muak. So talked quite a lot, I reaaalllyy needed to let off some steams and laughing is truly the best. I cant have her every single day, tapi I really hope we can have some besties time on the weekend, just talk trash, and be ourself.

Kadang2 in life nak jadi diri sendiri adalah susah, especially bila kita di kalangan minoriti. Or when you have a very neutral personality. I myself admit when it comes to new group of people, I tend to be the quiet person, or the one who doesnot talk much. But when you get to know me, Im quite oke actually :) Its not that I dont make an effort, I do. Tapi when its only me, only 1 side yang try, I cant be blame for being quiet kan?

Rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. I cant read whats in people minds, what they think of me. Buruk, baik kita je yang tahu. Nak cakap be yourself? Nahh. Ill just be what I needed to be. Only after 5 and weekends Im being myself. Starting at 8, Im a whole new person.

Welcome weekdays, Ill try my best and if I ever stop trying, Ill stop with my heads held up high.

p/s: I need my uni friends.. SO SO SO SO BAD..
p/s2 : I miss Gee.

Regards, Qila


  1. slm,

    hakak, bertabah oke..u know i'm always here rite.. =)

  2. Qla.

    Bertabah! Hehe. Yup, rindu jugak tapi yg num 1 jer, bukan yg num 2. hehehe

  3. awww korg.. thanks tau.. masing2 ada cabaran sendiri dalam hidup masing2, kita support each other k? sayang korg sgt2.


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