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isn't him adorableeeee?? Rasa nak kerenyet :DD (pic from Google) |
Monday, August 30, 2010
Salam :))
When I get married, boleh tak nak mintak ni sebagai hantaran? Pretty pleaseeee? :DD
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sharing is Caring #1
Salam :)
Hari ni kita share resipi yang simple tapi sedap ni oke? :)
Aiskrim Goreng
* 10 keping roti putih
* 5 scope aiskrim (apa2 perisa)
* Plastik wrap ( untuk balut roti)
* Minyak
1. Lembabkan roti dengan air
2. Skopkan aiskrim ke atas roti.
3. Tutupkan aiskrim dgn sekeping roti lagi.
4. Tekan acuan telur yang bulat tu supaya roti terputus (Pastikan roti bercantum supaya aiskrim tidak meleleh keluar). *some tips, tekan-tekan sikit hujung roti tu pakai air so dia melekat xtra kuat lepas kapitkan aiskrim tu! :) pastu pakai tupperware bulat pun boleh, tekan kuat2 atas roti then potong sekeliling tupperware pakai pisau, baru kapitkan dia
5. Balut dengan plastik pembalut dan simpan dalam frezeer selama 3jam atau semalaman
6. Keluarkan dari tempat pembeku dan goreng dalam minyak yang panas hingga kuning keemasan. Jangan lama, paling kurang 1-2min sahaja tp pastikan minyak sudah betol2 panas. *tips nak tau minyak panas, tunggu sampai kuar asap. HAHAHA
Source :)
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selepas diwrapping dengan cling wrap |
So dah cuba resipi ni. Menjadi! Tak sempat amik gambar after goreng sebab terus kena ngap dengan ibu and ayah heheeh. Goreng tu tak sampai 1 min pun sebab minyak panas.. Suka sangat sebab boleh buat. Hehehe. Abes laa lepas ni roti semua berlubang kat tengah hahhaah.
Selamat mencuba ye! :)
Regards, Qila
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Boyfriend, you are one year older!!
Salam :)
First and foremost.. Happy birthday sayang!! Its ur 27th! Cliche sangat cakap dah tua kan? So Ill skip it okay? Hehehe. Semoga menjadi lebih matang dan tahun ni dikurniakan rezeki yang melimpah ruah (so boleh share hahhaha) oleh Allah SWT.. Saya sentiasa doakan awak berjaya dalam hidup dan sama2 menjadi anak yang boleh dibanggakan keluarga. Oke? Sayang awak banyak2!!!
Kedua, saya ingin memohon maaf sebab tak boleh nak celebrate birthday ni sama2 dengan awak disebabkan kekangan jarak dan waktu. Trust me, I want nothing more to wish you happy birthday face to face today. Tapi saya percaya akan ada lagi momen2 bahagia yang kita boleh share sama2, so kita tunggu waktu tu oke? Tunggu kehadiran abang Poslaju dan kalau awak terlepas abang tu, terpaksa awak bekerja keras sikit untuk amik token kasih sayang dan tanda ingatan dari saya dan keluarga di depot Poslaju. Heee.
Apa2 pun, saya mendoakan awak dan keluarga kesejahteraan dan kegembiraan sepanjang masa :) Juga sekali lagi mendoakan rezeki yang melimpah ruah untuk kita sama2. One year older, one year wiser.
We dont have much, but we know we got people who loves us, and we got each other. :)
Selamat Ulang Tahun, Sayang.
p/s : Calling free jangan la buat2 lupa pulak ye.. HEEEE :))
Regards, Qila
First and foremost.. Happy birthday sayang!! Its ur 27th! Cliche sangat cakap dah tua kan? So Ill skip it okay? Hehehe. Semoga menjadi lebih matang dan tahun ni dikurniakan rezeki yang melimpah ruah (so boleh share hahhaha) oleh Allah SWT.. Saya sentiasa doakan awak berjaya dalam hidup dan sama2 menjadi anak yang boleh dibanggakan keluarga. Oke? Sayang awak banyak2!!!
Kedua, saya ingin memohon maaf sebab tak boleh nak celebrate birthday ni sama2 dengan awak disebabkan kekangan jarak dan waktu. Trust me, I want nothing more to wish you happy birthday face to face today. Tapi saya percaya akan ada lagi momen2 bahagia yang kita boleh share sama2, so kita tunggu waktu tu oke? Tunggu kehadiran abang Poslaju dan kalau awak terlepas abang tu, terpaksa awak bekerja keras sikit untuk amik token kasih sayang dan tanda ingatan dari saya dan keluarga di depot Poslaju. Heee.
Apa2 pun, saya mendoakan awak dan keluarga kesejahteraan dan kegembiraan sepanjang masa :) Juga sekali lagi mendoakan rezeki yang melimpah ruah untuk kita sama2. One year older, one year wiser.
We dont have much, but we know we got people who loves us, and we got each other. :)
Selamat Ulang Tahun, Sayang.
p/s : Calling free jangan la buat2 lupa pulak ye.. HEEEE :))
Regards, Qila
Friday, August 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Salam :)
'Someday someone might come into your life and love you the way you've always wanted. If your someday was yesterday, learn. If someday is your tomorrow, hope. If someday is your today, cherish..'
My someday was 9 plus months ago, today, and hopefully, eons more..
Regards, Qila
'Someday someone might come into your life and love you the way you've always wanted. If your someday was yesterday, learn. If someday is your tomorrow, hope. If someday is your today, cherish..'
My someday was 9 plus months ago, today, and hopefully, eons more..
Regards, Qila
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Salam :)
So I guess mesti semua orang pernah tengok Twilight at least once kan? Me? I've watched it more than 5 times. Haahah. At that mo, Edward Cullen adalah imaginary boyfriend yang sangat popular. I mean, he is PERFECT. Pempuan mana tak nak, right? Well my favourite part of Twilight is when Edward is playing Bella's Lullaby. I mean, its the most meaningful part of the movie. Meltingz okay. Apa lagi nak, your perfect boyfriend compose you a song, a lullaby lagi. Haih..
Actually memori Bella's Lullaby ni di trigger lepas dengar time trun bawah tengok cite Melayu ni. Sengal, spoil tau lagu. Haih. Tak kena dengan mood. Shheessshh.
There can never be any Edward Cullen in real life. No one is perfect. But what I got now, is next to perfection. You can design perfection, tailoring it to your own meaning. So be grateful, be thankful and enjoy the moment.
Sex and The City 2 dah habis download. Kacang Dhal beli kat Gurun ni pun dah ada depan mata. Nak tengok ke, nak tido? Gee is not feeling well, he is resting so will only see him at Sahur nanti. Ngantuk jugak ni.. Haihhh
Regards, Qila
So I guess mesti semua orang pernah tengok Twilight at least once kan? Me? I've watched it more than 5 times. Haahah. At that mo, Edward Cullen adalah imaginary boyfriend yang sangat popular. I mean, he is PERFECT. Pempuan mana tak nak, right? Well my favourite part of Twilight is when Edward is playing Bella's Lullaby. I mean, its the most meaningful part of the movie. Meltingz okay. Apa lagi nak, your perfect boyfriend compose you a song, a lullaby lagi. Haih..
Actually memori Bella's Lullaby ni di trigger lepas dengar time trun bawah tengok cite Melayu ni. Sengal, spoil tau lagu. Haih. Tak kena dengan mood. Shheessshh.
There can never be any Edward Cullen in real life. No one is perfect. But what I got now, is next to perfection. You can design perfection, tailoring it to your own meaning. So be grateful, be thankful and enjoy the moment.
Sex and The City 2 dah habis download. Kacang Dhal beli kat Gurun ni pun dah ada depan mata. Nak tengok ke, nak tido? Gee is not feeling well, he is resting so will only see him at Sahur nanti. Ngantuk jugak ni.. Haihhh
Regards, Qila
Salam :)
Burp!! Alhamdulillah. Kenyangg.. Alhamdulillah untuk rezeki hari ni. Masak tempoyak ikan merah, ayam masak kicap, salad, dengan ikan pekasam. Sedappppp! Ibu and ayah tambah nasi, tapi saya? Takkkk. Kawal nafsu supaya tak tambah. Tambah lauk jek! Hehe.
Mungkin menu berbuka kitorang agak simple. No kueh2. Sebab sebenarnya kitorang lepas makan nasi tu dah kenyang. Baru sekali ayah beli murtabak and popia. Tu pun seksa nak habiskan. Oleh itu, saya sendiri request kat ayah supaya tak payah beli kueh2 atau lauk tambahan. Kadang2 bukan sedap pun. Tapi kena lah habiskan, sayang.. So sebagai dessert saya biasa buat pudding atau dadih dengan kuah cocktail. Senang sangat. Sebab buat pakai dadih yang instant tu, cuma tambah agar2 supaya dia kentalllz sket. Sedap! Ni pun untuk ayah sebab ayah suka benda2 sejuk, manis ni.. Lgpun time2 puasa mulut ayah selalu jadi ulser, kurang air.. So lega la sket makan dadih tu. Yg penting, kurangkan gula dalam dadih, and buat bnda ni tak payah guna telur!! Sgt sihat, I think. Hehehee.
Tadi teringin nak buat butter cookies. Dah nak prepare dah bahan2 semua. Tapi pening pikir cake flour. Google punya Google, kalau nak substitute cake flour dengan flour biasa ada sukatan lain pulak. Pening kot. trus hilang mood. Dah semangat nak wat Choc chip butter cookies. Spoil. Nanti lah pegi beli cake flour plak. Huaaaa.
Burp!! Alhamdulillah. Kenyangg.. Alhamdulillah untuk rezeki hari ni. Masak tempoyak ikan merah, ayam masak kicap, salad, dengan ikan pekasam. Sedappppp! Ibu and ayah tambah nasi, tapi saya? Takkkk. Kawal nafsu supaya tak tambah. Tambah lauk jek! Hehe.
Mungkin menu berbuka kitorang agak simple. No kueh2. Sebab sebenarnya kitorang lepas makan nasi tu dah kenyang. Baru sekali ayah beli murtabak and popia. Tu pun seksa nak habiskan. Oleh itu, saya sendiri request kat ayah supaya tak payah beli kueh2 atau lauk tambahan. Kadang2 bukan sedap pun. Tapi kena lah habiskan, sayang.. So sebagai dessert saya biasa buat pudding atau dadih dengan kuah cocktail. Senang sangat. Sebab buat pakai dadih yang instant tu, cuma tambah agar2 supaya dia kentalllz sket. Sedap! Ni pun untuk ayah sebab ayah suka benda2 sejuk, manis ni.. Lgpun time2 puasa mulut ayah selalu jadi ulser, kurang air.. So lega la sket makan dadih tu. Yg penting, kurangkan gula dalam dadih, and buat bnda ni tak payah guna telur!! Sgt sihat, I think. Hehehee.
Tadi teringin nak buat butter cookies. Dah nak prepare dah bahan2 semua. Tapi pening pikir cake flour. Google punya Google, kalau nak substitute cake flour dengan flour biasa ada sukatan lain pulak. Pening kot. trus hilang mood. Dah semangat nak wat Choc chip butter cookies. Spoil. Nanti lah pegi beli cake flour plak. Huaaaa.
Duk di rumah adalah sangat contented. Nak duk sampai bila2 bleh? Hahahhaha.
Regards, Qila
Friday, August 13, 2010
Salam :)
3rd day Ramadhan. And also my sister's birthdayyy! Happy birthday, I love you!! Presents nanti dulu yek, haven't got a chance to shop and sekarang as I am still unemployed, cash is a lil slow. Weehhehe.
Perut sakit. Argh. Tapi buat tak layan and buat chores macam biasa. Grr. Skype is being an ass, sebab suka suki off video call. Benci terkejut dengan bunyi dropped call tu. Haih.
Im glad for staying at home, ibu was not feeling well, flu and cold. So it is me who take the role of chef-ing for berbuka and others. Ada hikmah for everything. I wouldnt forgive myself if I cant help them when I should, could have. And Im glad even ayah approved of me driving around. Perhaps a further destination by myself later? Perhaps Ku-an-tan? Gyeahh!! Hahah, in your dreamsss.
I miss the time I spent up north a week ago. Dem missing someone is so hardd. Tapi when you meet them after so long, it is SO worth it. So sekarang bertahan and mengisi masa lapang dengan perkara2 berfaedah to avoid from moping around rindu tertonggeng2 and stuff. Wahahhaha. Take care for me, like I take care for you. Huaaaaa.
p/s : Selamat berpuasa semua, jom kita mencari keberkatan bulan mulia ni.
Regards, Qila
3rd day Ramadhan. And also my sister's birthdayyy! Happy birthday, I love you!! Presents nanti dulu yek, haven't got a chance to shop and sekarang as I am still unemployed, cash is a lil slow. Weehhehe.
Perut sakit. Argh. Tapi buat tak layan and buat chores macam biasa. Grr. Skype is being an ass, sebab suka suki off video call. Benci terkejut dengan bunyi dropped call tu. Haih.
Im glad for staying at home, ibu was not feeling well, flu and cold. So it is me who take the role of chef-ing for berbuka and others. Ada hikmah for everything. I wouldnt forgive myself if I cant help them when I should, could have. And Im glad even ayah approved of me driving around. Perhaps a further destination by myself later? Perhaps Ku-an-tan? Gyeahh!! Hahah, in your dreamsss.
I miss the time I spent up north a week ago. Dem missing someone is so hardd. Tapi when you meet them after so long, it is SO worth it. So sekarang bertahan and mengisi masa lapang dengan perkara2 berfaedah to avoid from moping around rindu tertonggeng2 and stuff. Wahahhaha. Take care for me, like I take care for you. Huaaaaa.
p/s : Selamat berpuasa semua, jom kita mencari keberkatan bulan mulia ni.
Regards, Qila
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Super Something, Me
Salam :)
Super Something - Yuna
You see
I was nothing more
than a girl who wished
for something different
watchin her dreams
from a distance
You see
when you came in
it's a different game
You believe in me so much
You turn me from nothing to a girl
who's super-something
You'll see
I'm better
I'm faster
I'm happier
when you by my side
(ku lalui semua dengan senyuman di wajahku)
You'll see
I'm better
I'm faster
I'm happier
when you by my side
(ku tempuhi semua kerana engkau di sisi ku)
The truth is
I was never more than this
Something kept me from reaching out
for something
but my heart is wanting
what it's looking for
then you came
you turn me upside down
I'm no longer afraid
of chasing
I'll be the last one standing
Am loving this song. Dedicated to the people who matter the most to me. :)
Super Something - Yuna
You see
I was nothing more
than a girl who wished
for something different
watchin her dreams
from a distance
You see
when you came in
it's a different game
You believe in me so much
You turn me from nothing to a girl
who's super-something
You'll see
I'm better
I'm faster
I'm happier
when you by my side
(ku lalui semua dengan senyuman di wajahku)
You'll see
I'm better
I'm faster
I'm happier
when you by my side
(ku tempuhi semua kerana engkau di sisi ku)
The truth is
I was never more than this
Something kept me from reaching out
for something
but my heart is wanting
what it's looking for
then you came
you turn me upside down
I'm no longer afraid
of chasing
I'll be the last one standing
Am loving this song. Dedicated to the people who matter the most to me. :)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tiger RAWR
Salam :))
Patutnya hari ni Friendship Day la kononnye. Tapi for me, friendship is something that needs to be celebrated each and every day. Orang yang kita sayang, mestilah kena jaga, sebab there's never two of the same person. So am not wishing it to anyone, sebab kalau nak wish, kena wish every single day! So tak kuasa mak. But I reallyyyyy2 appreciate all of my friends okay. Heheheh.
Anyway spent today with Meeeeraa just walking around and picking up my something2 yang dah tak rahasia lagi. Tak boleh simpan, nanti dia overlap howwwww? Spoil my surprise kan hahhahaha. And then just walking around and comparing prices of cornflakes, butter and honey hmmm macam bosan but its notttt. Hee.
Btw bought another selendang(hahhahaah) and 6 brooches. Gileeeee. 1 tu bentuk ladybirrrrd. Nomey..
Then petang pegi jogging and elok2 kitorang sampai rumah hujan. So gyeah. A nice dayyyy.
p/s : 3 days more. Yayy
Regards, Qila
Patutnya hari ni Friendship Day la kononnye. Tapi for me, friendship is something that needs to be celebrated each and every day. Orang yang kita sayang, mestilah kena jaga, sebab there's never two of the same person. So am not wishing it to anyone, sebab kalau nak wish, kena wish every single day! So tak kuasa mak. But I reallyyyyy2 appreciate all of my friends okay. Heheheh.
Anyway spent today with Meeeeraa just walking around and picking up my something2 yang dah tak rahasia lagi. Tak boleh simpan, nanti dia overlap howwwww? Spoil my surprise kan hahhahaha. And then just walking around and comparing prices of cornflakes, butter and honey hmmm macam bosan but its notttt. Hee.
Btw bought another selendang(hahhahaah) and 6 brooches. Gileeeee. 1 tu bentuk ladybirrrrd. Nomey..
Then petang pegi jogging and elok2 kitorang sampai rumah hujan. So gyeah. A nice dayyyy.
p/s : 3 days more. Yayy
Regards, Qila
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