Wednesday, September 22, 2010

its our 11 :)

Salam :)

Its been 11 months of being together exclusively. Another month, would mark our 1st year as a couple. Banyak memories susah senang yang kitorang share. And awak, thanks very much for coming here. It means a lot. I take it as my anniversary present, thanks thanks thanks. I got you nothing, except my presence here, trying to be a great hostess, which I think failed miserably, but you know I tried my best, I let you experience my daily life, where I go, what I like about this so-called Bandaraya. Now when I go to those places, I could smile and say 'Thats where we both sat and eat nasi minyak for breakfast'.. Or 'That's where I almost hit a guy, or scratched a car'.. I see you everywhere, now that we've been there, together. There's sooo many places I wished I could take you. Eating joints especially. The beaches, yes, I love the beaches. But most of all, I am contented to just be sitting in the car, parked under a tree, and just talked. Or browsing your car magazines. Or watch you play your console.

11 months and I still can't get enough of your presence. 11 months and I still learn something new about you every day. 11 months and it still feels like the first few days of when we agree that what we both have is more than just plain friends. It was nice, Its still nice, and I got a feeling it will be nice for a long time. :)

Thanks syg, untuk 11 bulan yang mendewasakan saya. Jom kita jadikan 11 yang seterusnya adalah 11 tahun pulak. I can't wait. :)

Regards, Qila


  1. seronok bace :D
    wish u two all d best..cepat2lah kawen!nk dtg..heheh..*aku plak yg lbeyh2*

  2. haha. doa2kan ye.. boleh tak nak berangan nak kumpul kawan2 and then wat shoot ms wedding ramai2? heheh. i miss u guysss


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