Sunday, December 5, 2010


Salam. :))

Updating while waiting for Gee n his sisters to arrive at their home. Tak boleh tido selagi tak tau diorang dah sampai ke belum.

So today unexpectedly, we metttttt :) Actually macam ada plan dia nak datang, but I dont wanna get my hopes too high so just rilex2 saje laa. Lagipun I have plans to go to Jusco Perda with my housemates.. Then tgk2 he's already in BKE. Balik Kulim laa katanyaa. So takpelah, sbb Perda and Kulim is like 40minutes away. Lagipun kitorang baruuu je sampai so tak tau nak kata apa sebab nak balik pun kul brapa tak sure. Masa tu macam HMMMMMM dah. So tgh2 best msg2 ni I saw 3 familiar faces. HIS SISTERS. So cakap kat diorang 'Macamana korang boleh ada kat siniiii?' Then BF sy yang sweet call. Tgk2 my friends dah nampak dia, tapi dia gigih tak mau cariiii sy. Sadis. Then jumpa. Rasa macam mimpi jek. Heeee. I mean I tak expect nak jumpa dia kat Perda. Sooooo masa tu macam AWWWWWW... Bila bau his perfume baru lah macam percaya he's there, there. Hehehe. So spend time jalan2 sekejap then balik to meet his family.

All in all, it was a great day. Grateful for every moment that we both shared. The distance doesnot matter, time doesnot matter. What matters is how we feel every day, together. Meeting you for few hours when I miss you the most is the best reward I can give myself after going through so much. You are my reward. I love you, without wax.

Regards, Aqila

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