Sunday, January 3, 2010

Repeat this please?

Salam :)

Bangun dengan perasaan malas, sebab hujan di Perlis hari ni. Dah lama tak hujan pagi2. Haha. So i thought it was still early, tapi sms from the BF woke me up and looking at the numbers on my handphone, it was 830am. Demm. Lambat bangun! But it was cold, and my blanket give me the warmth I needed so.. I can't be blamed kannn? Hahahaha.

So ehem the real reason I woke up late is because altho I slept early last night, tiba2 mata terbukak jam 1 pagi, baca sms-es kat phone, mainly notifications from facebook, and sms-es from the BF. Disebabkan my laptop is still on, and so does my broadband(which is weird, bcause it tends to DC ikut suka hati dia, especially when I'm gtalking with Gee, i secretly think bb is jealous haha), I fb chat with a few people, but mainly with him sebab I was so worried all day yesterday. We chatted for a while and I'm glad for it sebab things are cleared. Yay. I tend to over-worried (yes that is typically aqilah) and sometimes people takes it as a sign that I don't trust them, but really, it's because I care. If I don't, then, yes I probably don't like you, or you are not that significant in my life. Kadang2 it makes people rimas, but hey, that's me, and if I pretend to not care, or to not worry, argh it's me that will be miserable. Wondering if they are safe, or wondering where they might been. So it's when I stopped asking questions that you should be very worried, that's when I started to stop to CARE. Warning ni haha.

Feeling like dancing in the rain, but I think that is because I'm not being myself, HEADACHE like toot and mandi hujan will only make things worse. Boleh demam and once kena demam, it could cost me few weeks of MORE headache and runny nose. Also don't forget, the infamous cough *uhuk uhuk*.

My new housemates seems very quiet, I don't know if they are afraid of me (afraid of ME?? Whyyy? I don't bite T_T) or they are simply quiet people that sits in their room all dayyy longggg. I'm a quiet person, only if you don't know me, but when you do, sila bertabah untuk melayan saya bersembang. I could go on for hourssssss at times hahah. So I guess kena tahan lah dengan mereka, well kalau nak bercakap I could always go upstairs, ada Has and Faza, nak pergi jauh sikit boleh ke blok depan cari Farah, Shud or Yati,and kat blok belakang ada Yana. So yea, choicesss choicessss.

Highlights for this week :
- Officially registering my subjects for final semester hoyeaaa
- Renewing my uselesssssssss driving license
- Start writing my thesis (AAAAaaaa!)

Oke that's all I can think of now. Haha. Till then.

Regards, Qila

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