Wednesday, April 7, 2010

and end to a beginning

Salam :)

Good morning world :D Woke up early altho I slept at 5 am this morning, these eyes cant seem to close. Mungkin sebab semalam dah tidur dari jam 9pm until 1am, I seriously was so tired, can't function. Plus, I was full. Mcm kucing gemok bergelimpangan semalam haha.

So I had my last presentation yesterday for the subjects Im taking this semester, yayy for me :D So it is kinda official that the sem is ending, there's no more classes (plssss no more) and I just have to study for my finals and also for FYP *sigh*

My finals starts on the 20th and end on 30th with 4 papers to sit. Gilaa takk on the 20th I have 2 finals, nasib baik it wasnt core subject, just wajib but still, have to study extra2 hard. And my presentation for FYP is sometime around mid May so kalau report dah setel, I can rilex a bit :)

Right now Im reading The Lovely Bones, altho have seen the movie, a lil tak puas hati sebab banyak tak complete. So bought it sometime last week. I used to read 2 books a week (AT LEAST) tp sekarang sebab busy *kononnya* dah tak baca dah. Ni baru nak start balik and Im waiting for Dan Brown's latest. Cant wait.

I keep on telling people how I cant wait to get this degree over and done with. Tapi I know, right after everything is done, Ill be the one missing these people. I had my share of great, great friends and also of bad, bad friends. These are the people that made me who I am, 4 years of university's life sure made me see a lot of things. Sebagai contoh, what people do when they are desperate enough and hateful enough, and how some people will help you no matter what, because they know they can help. Ill miss the lecturers, the lectures, the school, the food joints even the small shops selling Thailand clothes. Hahaha. Cakap2 macam ni, tgk2 ada rezeki sambung lagi kat sini, kan? Hahahhaahaha.

But most of all mestilah I miss Gee the most. Tu je motip sebnanye cakap miss everything above sebab I went to the places with him, so mestilah Ill b missing those places. Grr :)

p/s : i miss my ibu and ayah, i miss home.
p/s/s: ill be seeing my SV later, harap2 he wont ask me qs i cant answer ahaaah.

Regards, Qila

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