Sunday, March 28, 2010


Salam :|

A lil bit tired. Letih sebab tak cukup tidur semalam. So I had my first experience of an accident. I mean a major one. The one I was involved in last year was mild, compared to this I think. I was lucky that time. Lebam and bruises je. Last night, a friend's car flipped over, and we were right behind them. Lepas selekoh dah tak nampak diorang, tengok belah kanan nampak the car terbalik with the wheels still pusing2 like crazy. I was with Gee, and I panicked. Terus pandang bawah. He u-turned, and bila dia dah berhenti kat kereta tu, saya cabut seatbelt, put my head between my knees and lost control. Meraung, menangis, shaking. Dah tak boleh control. I totally panicked. Gee was worried, tapi he need to check on our friends first. Alhamdulillah, semua oke. Although ada mangsa keadaan at that time, the car hit a bike with 2 ppl. Tapi yang penting, semua selamat.

And there was this one thing that worries us. But I know we will be okay. We will.

Still tired, and cant think of anything.

Regards, Qila

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