Monday, March 8, 2010


Salam :)

Just got back and Im smelling like a flower (pls notice the sarcasm ya? haha) dan menunggu housemate selesai mandi terasa sangat la seksa sebab bahang yang panas, and I hate myself smelling like this. Perlu mandi, harus, WAJIB!

Malam ini ada plan dengan pacar.. Nak tau apa? Yaaaaa kami akan membuat report FYP bersama2 hahaha. Bersama2 tapi bersama2 dalam erti kata buat kerja la, kerana saya di sini dan dia, di sana. Wuwuwuwu. Tapi takpe, moral support tu yang penting kannnnn? :D So chaiyo2 to us, and I know we both can do this. Hoyeahh! Lepas selesai 1 chapter kita 3G, okey takk? Sounds nice kan? Hee can't wait! For the 3G part I mean hee :)

And saya juga nak buat report cepat2 sebab nak sambung tengok Beethoven Virus yang hmm addictive kot? Cettz Im hooked on Korean, again haih.

So akan ada anniversary 12 March ni, and its a very special one to me, sebab it involves a lot of people that I really care about and grew to love during the time we were together. Nope, its not about boyfriends( wassup with the plural? haha), its about friendship that Ill never get anywhere else, at any other time, at any costs. It was a one time shot, and Ill remember 12 March like, for the next 10 years haha. So tunggu 12 March okay for the full story. Haha.

Am getting used to my old anklet, I love the bell. Cuma it tends to get stucked to my flats and it hurtssss. So I have to stop now and then to untangle it. Annoying. Berhenti tiba2 and angkat kaki kiri to untangle it. Ish, malas betul. Lagi pelik kalau ada orang kat belakang, tiba2 brek sebab saya brek jugak. Haha. Dont kiss my arse okayyy haha

So housemate pun dah kuar dari kamar mandi, Im going in pulak. Da daaa.

Regards, Qila

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