Tuesday, May 4, 2010

of butterflies

Gee, sapa cakap awak tak pandai posing? Haha

Salam :)

I love that pic, particularly because I look oke *haha* and most of all because Gee menunjukkan emosi yang senonoh. Dia dah pandai senonoh dah Alhamdulillah hahaahahhahaha. Tapi of cos still ada lagi muka kerek pipi tinggi sebelah dia tu, at least 1 lah dalam mana2 album :D

My viva is tomorrow afternoon, dianjak awal 30minit ke jam 5.00pm. Man, rasa macam 300 kupu2 ada dalam perut. Im serious. Hari dinner tu pulak both of my examiners ada and masa salam2 diorang senyum penuh makna je. Tak sempat nak tanya apa expectation diorang nak tengok dalam my slides. And one of the examiners ni pulak baru dapat PhD in Polymer, mestilah kalau saya kelentong dia tauuuu. :(((( Im seriously nervous about this, tapi at the same time excited, Im one step closer to make my parents proud. Im getting my degree, at 22 years old, and I hope, i'Allah ada rezeki, my master at 24 :D Kalau dapat kerja, planning to do part time master, tapi tu semua dalam perancangan, and harap2 plan saya diberkati Allah dan dipermudahkan. Begitu juga dengan plan Gee, harap plans kitorang akan synchronize and dipermudahkan Allah sentiasa. Amin.

Gee patutnya present hari ni, tapi ditunda ke the 6th, supposedly dia lagi awal gembira da lepas, tapi tiba2 kena postpone. So saya happy 10% dulu k. Lg 90% lepas awak dan kawan2 lain dah habis sama. Dan lepas tu lets plan for a getaway ramai2, pls? :)

Tak ada dengar cerita about the extension (macam rambut pulak) of sem untuk ambil few more subjects tu so I have to be prepared to go home earlier than I thought. Will be going home with the parents nanti. So have to confirm with them sebab they have to plan their cuti and stuffs.. Hm.

So nak teruskan dengan kerja2 sebelum viva ni, and prepare for tomorrow. My only motivation sekarang ni is calling my parents, my supervisor, and Gee tomorrow at 5.31pm, saying I'VE FINALLY MADE IT. I'Allah.

Wish me luck  Wish us luck.
Utk pelajar2 Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bahan (Bahan & Metalurgi) All the best, and we'll see each other in our convo robes, shall we ;)

Regards, Qila

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